PT. ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation (Susi Air) is a rapidly growing airline specialized in charter and scheduled flights throughout the Indonesian archipelago. Founded in 2004, Susi Air operates a fleet of 50 aircraft and further expanding its fleet in 2017. In 2015 Susi Air has flown an average of 150 - 225 flights per day, 40,800 hours per year, 196 domestic routes serving over 160 domestic destinations.
Susi Air is seeking experienced and motivated LET 410 Captains.
Required skills
Let 410 Type Rating: YES.
- Languages: English
- Current ME/IR Land;
- ICAO Class 1 flight crew medical certificate;
- 2000 hours of total flying experience;
- 1000 hours flying experience Pilot in Command;
- 500 hours flying experience on type;
- ICAO Level 5 proficiency in English language or higher;
- No-incident/accident certificate issued by authority or previous employer;
- A valid passport allowing unrestricted travel with at least 24 months validity.
Desired skills
- Applicants with similar aircraft type experience may be considered.
Other information
Documents required:
- Comprehensive CV. Specify hours flown in the last 6 months and last 12 months;
- At least ICAO ATPL Multi-Engine Land and IR (current). FAA mother license is preferable;
- Copy of latest examiner's report/ proficiency check form/ flight review/ flight test;
- First Class medical (current), no restriction except for corrective glasses;
- License verification letter with current information from authority;
- Free of accident-incident verification report from authority;
- Copy of logbook in the last three months with verification stamp or signature from chief pilot or flight instructor;
- candidates must be free from any form of colour blindness and passed the Ishihara Color Test - Indonesian authority only accept the Ishihara Color Blind Test;
- Minimum of level 5 ICAO English proficiency test;
- Valid passport minimum of 24 months left.